Dealing with a water-damaged drywall is definitely a difficult task do. People often resort to the natural ventilation in drying the wet and damaged wall of their homes and it usually turns out to be tedious and time consuming not to mention that mold accumulation can be an additional problem if it doesn’t get fixed quickly. To get through this difficult situation, here are some guides and how to’s on how to give your water damaged wall a quick fix:
Guide #1
To begin with, you should check and get rid of the accumulated water in the attic. If you find the insulation wet, remove it and replace with new ones. Next, find out if plaster or sheetrock is used in your walls. If plaster is used, you can determine whether clean or contaminated water caused the wall damage. If it’s clean water-induced wall damage, the wall endurance will depend on certain factors such as water saturation, plaster durability and sturdiness of the lath material used.
Guide #2
If wooden lath material is utilized, it will swell and cause water damage to the wall plaster. You can replace the damaged part with 2x4 wooden laths. You have to keep in mind that accumulated water can lead to further problems if not addressed promptly. You need to be very quick in responding to water damage. As such, it would be best to seek the help of expert water damage cleanup professionals.
Guide #3
On the other hand, if sheetrock is used determine whether the accumulated water has already been there for hours. If the accumulated water is just new, your wall can still be repaired and would not need any replacement materials but if otherwise, it is a better option to replace the wall instead.
Handling a water-damaged wall usually consists of allowing the trapped or accumulated water out freely either by cutting a portion of the wall using a knife or drilling a hole with your power tools. Drying your wall immediately after water damage ensures better house structure and reliability.